What is the number for Starbucks partner benefits?

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Calling all Starbucks baristas, shift leads, and everyone in between! Being a Starbucks partner (that's what they call employees there) comes with some pretty awesome benefits on top of that sweet-smelling coffee aroma. But with all the hustle and bustle of the coffee rush, you might not even know where to begin exploring what Starbucks offers its partners. No worries, because this guide is here to break it down for you.

Why Choose Starbucks Perks?

Let's face it, good benefits are a big deal when choosing a job. Starbucks goes above and beyond the free cup of joe (although, you do get that too!). Their partner benefits package is designed to support your health, well-being, finances, and even your education.

Unveiling the Goods: Types of Starbucks Partner Benefits

Starbucks divides its partner benefits into three main categories: Health & Well-being, Financial Security, and Education & Development. Here's a closer look at what each one offers:

Health & Well-being:  Starbucks prioritizes keeping their partners healthy and happy. This includes medical, dental, and vision insurance plans you can choose from. They also provide mental health resources like access to therapists and the Headspace app for meditation and mindfulness. Feeling under the weather? Paid sick time and partner and family sick time have you covered. Plus, there are life insurance and disability options to give you peace of mind.

Financial Security:  Let's talk money, honey! Starbucks offers programs to help you save and grow your finances. The Bean Stock program grants you company stock each year, basically giving you a piece of the Starbucks pie. There's also a 401(k) plan with company matching, so you can invest in your future. Need help managing your daily expenses? Starbucks partners get discounts at various retailers through affiliate programs.

Education & Development:  Starbucks believes in investing in its partners' growth. The Starbucks College Achievement Plan is a real game-changer. This program can cover up to 100% of your tuition at Arizona State University online for a bachelor's degree in a variety of fields. It's pretty much free college, people! There's also the Pathway to Admission program that helps partners get accepted into ASU. Feeling creative? Greener Apron is an initiative that allows partners to get involved in sustainability projects.

On top of these main categories, Starbucks throws in some sweet perks to make your partner life a little brighter:

Food & Beverage Benefit: Enjoy a free pound of coffee or a box of tea every single week! Plus, you get a discount on all Starbucks drinks, food, and merchandise. Treat yourself (and maybe a friend?)

Weekly Markout & Discount: Partners get a free drink or food item during their shift breaks. Score!


Spotify Premium Subscription: Jam out to your favorite tunes for free with a Starbucks-sponsored Spotify Premium account.

Coffeegear: Love all things coffee? Partners get discounts on coffee-making equipment to bring that Starbucks magic home.

Commuter Benefits:  Save money on your daily commute with help from Starbucks' commuter benefit programs.

How to Access Your Partner Benefits

Accessing your Starbucks partner benefits is easy. Here's what you need to do:

Head to the Starbucks Partner Hub: This is your one-stop shop for everything partner-related. You can find it at partner hub starbucks or ask your store manager for the login details.

Explore the Hub: The Partner Hub is packed with information about your benefits. Take some time to browse through the different sections and see what applies to you.

Enroll in Programs:  Some benefits require enrollment, like the health insurance plans or the 401(k) program. The Partner Hub will guide you through the enrollment process for each program.

Ask Questions:  Don't be shy! If you have any questions about your benefits, reach out to your store manager or the Starbucks Benefits team. They're there to help.

Remember, you earned these benefits! Make sure to take advantage of them.


Being a Starbucks partner comes with more than just serving up delicious coffee. It's about being part of a supportive community that values your well-being and growth. With a fantastic benefits package that covers your health, finances, and education, Starbucks is an employer that truly invests in its partners. So, explore your options, utilize these perks, and make the most of your Starbucks partner experience!


I'm new! When do I become eligible for benefits?

Benefit eligibility typically starts after a certain amount of time working at Starbucks. Check with your store manager or the Partner Hub for the specific details.

What if I work part-time?  Am I still eligible for benefits?

Yes!  Even part-time partners qualify for many Starbucks benefits, although some might have different eligibility requirements.


Can I take my spouse and kids on my health insurance plan?

Absolutely!  Starbucks offers health insurance plans that cover you and your eligible dependents.

How much does the Bean Stock program give me?

The amount of Bean Stock you receive depends on various factors like your tenure and company performance. Check the Partner Hub for more information.

What if I want to go back to school but can't afford it?  Can the Starbucks College Achievement Plan help?

This is exactly what the program is for! It can cover a significant portion of your tuition at ASU online. Explore the program details on the Partner Hub.

I don't drink coffee.  Can I still use the weekly coffee markout benefit?

Sure! You can choose a tea instead of coffee, or even swap it for a food item during your break.

The Partner Hub seems overwhelming.  Is there anyone who can help me navigate it?

Definitely!  Your store manager or the Starbucks Benefits team is there to answer your questions and guide you through the Partner Hub.
