These Habits Will Keep The Skin Around The Eyes Healthy

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Baggy eyes and dark circles are common concerns that can make us feel self-conscious and affect our overall appearance. The amount of stress this can generate is literally off the charts because every time you look in the mirror it makes you feel sad and leads to a search for problem solvers in the form of products for dark circles, baggy eyes.  Now when it comes to choosing the best for your eyes, what would you pick – an all-natural approach or the other way around? The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda offers a holistic and natural approach to skincare, which can help in reducing the appearance of baggy eyes and dark circles. In this blog, we will explore Ayurvedic remedies and lifestyle changes that can make a significant difference in your skin's health.

Ayurvedic insights into dark circles and baggy eyes

A lot of us get concerned about the changes that our skin goes through with age and once issues like dark circles and baggy eyes become prominent, it's understandable to feel self-conscious. That is why we believe in sharing Ayurvedic wisdom, which has its origins in the Vedas and ancient books of knowledge dating back more than 5,000 years.

Ayurveda says that dark circles become prominent simply due to the aggravation of Pitta dosha in your body. So, if you follow the steps to balance your Pitta dosha, you will start seeing a reduction in the appearance of dark circles.

Here are some Ayurvedic tips that you may follow:

Pitta dosha diet

Eat cool, sweet, bitter, and astringent flavors to combat the Pitta fire.





Cooling fruits

All sweet and astringent types of vegetables

Cooked oat

Sweet juicy fruits

Cooling vegetable



leafy green vegetables



Green beans











Stress management

Stress can worsen Pitta dosha and throw it out of balance. It is suggested to practice yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises to relax. You should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night to keep your Pitta in check and promote restful sleep. To further enhance your sleep quality, create a relaxing bedtime routine and a sleep-conducive environment in your bedroom.

Natural skin care

Ayurveda talks about some herbs/ingredients called "vayasthapana" which means "fight aging." These herbs are great for your skin, like keeping it balanced and healthy. Gotu kola ( Centella asiatica) is a great vayasthapana herb that helps enhance collagen synthesis and makes the skin look youthful. So, basically, vayasthapana is nature's way to keep your skin looking good!

However, if you are not able to get this herb, you can buy Tulsi Mint Tonifying Eye Gel, an astounding one-of-a-kind formula that has gotu kola as a main ingredient. The effective formulation makes it a good product for dark circles.


Incorporating Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine can significantly help in reducing baggy eyes and dark circles. A balanced diet, stress management, and the use of natural skin care products are essential steps in maintaining healthy skin. Embrace the holistic approach of Ayurveda and achieve a radiant, youthful complexion.

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