What Is The Best Treatment For A Pilonidal Cyst?

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Doing a pilonidal cyst treatment is indeed a mess, and the only escape that you can think of is through undergoing minor surgery. However, you can take a few DIY remedies to ease the pain and discomfort. 

What is a pilonidal cyst?

A pilonidal cyst is commonly formed right between the cleft at the top of your buttocks, separating the two cheeks, and is basically a sac filled with skin, hair alongside other debris. If a hair gets lodged underneath the skin, you are more likely to get a pilonidal cyst. Any friction on the ingrown hair dye when running or sitting may irritate the skin and cause your cyst. A Pilonidal cyst treatment usually requires an operation (minor) and should be addressed without any delay as it may otherwise lead to infection alongside a pocket of pua where an abscess would form! Also, people with thick and stiff body hair are more likely to get such cysts. 

Reasons that you are more susceptible to pilonidal cysts: 

  • Young age (most males in the age bracket of the 20s tend to suffer)

  • Excess body hair

  • Desk job for long hours

  • Obesity

  • Inactive lifestyle

Should one pop a pilonidal cyst?

Pilonidal cysts look quite similar to that of pimples. So, one can feel tempted enough to pop them with the fingers. However, popping a pilonidal cyst will no way solve the problem. In addition to the pus, pilonidal cysts are often filled with hair and debris. Thus, squeezing it out will in no way solve your purpose. The location of your cyst can make it even more difficult for you to deal with it. As a result, you have a higher chance of developing an infection or a scar in that region. 

How to treat a pilonidal cyst at home?

A minor surgical procedure will be the best route to solve your purpose in dealing with a pilonidal cyst. Taking pilonidal cyst antibiotics can be a breakthrough! However, you should always opt to consult a doctor prior to taking any of it. A hot water compress on your cyst a couple of times a day can pull out the pus, thereby allowing the cyst to drain. This can even give you relief from the itchiness and pain. Taking a sitz bath may also help you deal with the same! 

Complications of pilonidal cysts

Pilonidal cyst complications may turn out to be really severe if you aren't treating the infection appropriately on time. In that case, you will be at a higher risk of developing a kind of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. 

Preventive measures to be taken: Pilonidal cyst

In order to get rid of a pilonidal cyst, here are a few things that we may do:


  • Try cleaning the body area at a higher frequency

  • Avoid sitting for a prolonged span of time

  • Lose weight if that is required according to your BMI
