Different steps on how to change language on amazon

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Amazon is a very famous platform that gives millions of users the capacity to get an excellent shopping experience. Shopping tasks have undergone a rapid change in the past few years. Currently, the online shopping trend is very much prevalent in every region of the world. Today, we will understand the different steps on how to change language on amazon.

Every business firm is trying to launch their online shopping websites and applications. However, nothing has the capacity to beat the fame and recognition that Amazon has. It can be accessed by both the prospective sellers and the buyers. The easy interface of Amazon platform always guarantees a smooth experience to both these peoples.

Sometimes, when using the Amazon platform for selling or buying tasks, the users can feel some degree of language problems. In that case, they can always switch to a different language which makes them more comfortable. So, if you want to find out how to carry out this process on the Amazon platform, then keep on reading.

Different Languages in Amazon platform

Before seeing the different steps on how to change language on amazon, let us understand the concept of different Amazon languages. Most of us have a clear understanding about the efficiency of the Amazon platform. This platform gives different selling and buying services in more than fifty different countries. The language aspects of different countries show certain changes. So, the platform has gathered the capacity to give its services in about seventy five different languages.

No matter what your location is, you will be able to enjoy the Amazon platform services in your preferred language. Sometimes, people from the United States of America complain that their Amazon platform is showcasing just 2 languages: English and Spanish. This can be very inconvenient for people who reside in a bilingual household. Sometimes, you will have to share your Amazon account with other members of the family that may be comfortable with a different language choice.

So, the only two options: English and Spanish can disappoint them greatly. But, there are specific techniques with the help of which you will get the capacity to use your Amazon platform in other preferable languages. For example, if you want a language that is specifically spoken in a particular area of the world, then bringing about a change in the location can be helpful. If you want the platform to operate in Hindi, then change the region to India. Likewise, if you want a different language, then go for the region where the language is prevalent.

In the case of website, how to change language on amazon?

To change Amazon's language from the platform's official website, you will have to follow the step by step processes listed below. But, you have to note that the appearance of your Amazon website can reveal some variations depending upon the specific region.

  1. First step is to go to the right portion of the search bar. In this area, you will see the flag of your country. You have to precisely click on the arrow that is present near the flag image.

  2. After clicking on this arrow, a drop-down menu will appear on your screen. This menu will present the different varieties of languages that are accessible in your selected Amazon region. It must be noted that users from a few regions might not find the flag image and the nearby arrow. In that case, they have to go to the home page's bottom. Here, they will notice a list of different available regions.

  3. In the drop-down menu, you will have to look for your preferred language. If you are able to see it, then simply click on this particular language choice. Once you do so, you will see that your Amazon website has become updated with that selected language.

  4. But, if the drop-down list fails to show your preferred language, then you will have to introduce some changes to the country/region option. Selecting it will open a drop-down menu with regions-list. You have to look for your region and then, click on it to see the different language choices of that selected area.

In the case of app, how to change language on amazon?

Most of us use the Amazon selling and buying platform through its authentic application. If you wish to change the Amazon platform language via the application, then you will have to carry out the step-by-step process mentioned below.

  1. To start the language changing process, you will have to find the 3 horizontally placed bars which will be available at the bottom portion of your Amazon application. Finding these bars is a very easy task and you will see them immediately after opening the Android phone or iOS device.

  2. As you find these horizontally placed bars, you have to click on them. This will open a different section or page of the Amazon application.

  3. Once this section opens, you will have to scroll in the downward direction. Here, you will find the option, Settings. This option has to be selected and you will come across different settings- related options. From the available choices, you will have to select Country and Language settings.

  4. After choosing the Country and Language setting, you will come across a separate page which will give you the capacity to change the current region of Amazon platform. This will showcase the language options that are specific to the selected region. So, choose the required language from the languages-list and click on the Done option.


We understood the different steps on how to change language on amazon platform. Here, we have enumerated the language changing steps that are applicable in the case of both the official Amazon website and the Amazon application. You can select any of these discussed language changing methods to change the current language of your Amazon platform. Thereby, you will get the ability to enjoy the different buying and selling services of Amazon in your preferred language. This will ensure that the users have a smooth and hassle-free experience while visiting and using the Amazon official website or application.ย 

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