Chronic Kidney Disease: Signs, Diagnosis, and Homeopathic Treatment for Better Health
With safe, 100% natural, and non-invasive procedures, Bharat Homeopathy is one of the top homeopathic centers providing the best possible cure for multiple renal disorders. We have a team of highly experienced Kidney specialists who work together to design highly customized medicines catered to the needs of the patients.

Chronic Kidney Disease: Signs, Diagnosis, and Homeopathic Treatment for Better Health

Signs of Chronic Kidney Diseases and Homeopathy Treatment


The kidneys are one of the most vital organs of the human body, from filtering blood to maintaining the health of our bones, they work restlessly day and night without taking any breaks. However, cases of kidney diseases have increased to a great extent in the last few decades.  Kidney diseases have been so common primarily because they are often linked with health issues like diabetes and hypertension. These conditions can significantly damage the delicate filtering system in the kidneys over time, making them the leading reason for chronic kidney disease (CKD).


Chronic kidney diseases happens when the organs experience continual damage for approximately 3 months or more. The condition is classified into five different stages, which stage represents the initialization of the condition, and stage 5 can mean complete failure of the organ, which may require treatment for kidney failure. However, the disease causes no notable symptoms in the beginning, which is why it is almost impossible for patients to guess that they have this issue. 


Symptoms of Chronic kidney disease


The later stages of the condition can lead to the following signs: 


  •  High blood pressure

  • Changes in how much or how often you urinate

  •  Changes in the look of your urine (like frothy or foamy)

  • Blood in your urine

  • Swelling in your legs, ankles, or around your eyes

  • Pain in your back where your kidneys are

  • Feeling tired

  • Not wanting to eat

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Headaches

  • Difficulty focusing

  •  Itching

  • Trouble breathing

  • Feeling sick and throwing up


If you feel like your kidneys aren’t working properly or you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned signs and symptoms, consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and start your chronic kidney disease treatment as early as possible. 


Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease  

A CKD diagnosis can be done using three methods; 


  1. Blood and urine analyses  

  2. Ultrasound imaging  

  3. Sometimes, biopsy  


Blood and urine analyses are crucial. They verify the deterioration in kidney performance.   As kidney function diminishes to a specific threshold in chronic kidney disease, the concentrations of certain substances in the blood usually become irregular.  


  • Urea and creatinine, byproducts of metabolism that the kidneys typically eliminate, are found at elevated levels.  Patients might need to adopt a high creatinine treatment to control this complication. 

  • The acidity of the blood often increases to a moderate level.  

  • Potassium levels in the blood are generally normal or only slightly elevated but can escalate to dangerously high levels.  

  • Calcium and calcitriol levels in the blood tend to decrease.  

  • Phosphate and parathyroid hormone concentrations rise.  

  • Hemoglobin levels are generally lower, indicating that the individual may experience some level of anemia.  


Physicians evaluate kidney function by utilizing the creatinine level in the blood, along with gender and body weight, in a calculation known as the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).  To know more about your eGFR values, you can also use one of the best gfr calculator online. 


Treatment options for Kidney Diseases 


Homeopathy kidney problem medication uses a gentle and all-in-one approach to help manage CKD. Renal issues happen when the organs don't work well and can't remove waste from the blood. It can lead to serious circumstances. Homeopathy offers an alternative or additional option to regular medical treatments, focusing on personalized care and getting to the root causes and symptoms of kidney disease.


Homeopathic remedies are made from natural processes and are chosen based on the patient's typical symptoms, feelings, and overall health to provide a complete cure for chronic kidney disease. These remedies aim to relieve symptoms and improve the patient's well-being.  Homeopathic remedies address these emotional issues to help bring balance and support to the patient.


Bharat Homeopathy 


With safe, 100% natural, and non-invasive procedures, Bharat Homeopathy is one of the top homeopathic centers providing the best possible cure for multiple renal disorders. We have a team of highly experienced Kidney specialists who work together to design highly customized medicines catered to the needs of the patients. 


We have been very successful in providing kidney failure treatment without dialysis in a safe and effective way. Our doctors think that along with medicines, diet and lifestyle choices play an important role in managing these problems. That is why our treatment plans also include suitable diet plans according to the patient’s condition. In addition, you can gain more information about kidney-related health issues by visiting our website. We also have an online egfr calculator, which can help you calculate your GFR values accurately. 

Learn how homeopathy can transform kidney care. Visit our website for details

Chronic Kidney Disease: Signs, Diagnosis, and Homeopathic Treatment for Better Health


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