Know Everything About Lavell Crawford Weight Loss Journey

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American comedian and actor Lavell Crawford became a hot topic when one of his photos went viral last year. The Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul actor used to weigh 475 pounds. In the photo he looked really slim and fit, which took the internet by surprise. Later he shared his weight loss journey in many interviews. In this write-up, we will discuss lavell crawford weight loss journey. 

lavell crawford weight loss

  1. Gastric sleeve surgery 

Comedian Lavell Crawford has been open about his lifelong struggles with obesity and his decision to undergo gastric sleeve surgery in 2016 to improve his health. At his heaviest, Crawford weighed nearly 400 pounds. The gastric sleeve procedure, also known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is one of the most common and effective weight loss surgeries performed today. 

Crawford decided to get the surgery after being hospitalised with a potentially life-threatening blood pressure spike. He realised his weight was putting his health in jeopardy. Though he had tried various diets and exercise programs in the past without lasting success, he hoped the sleeve surgery would finally provide the tool he needed to slim down. 

Leading up to the procedure, patients must commit to major lifestyle changes. Their diet is restricted to just liquids and protein shakes for a period before surgery to reduce liver size. Smoking and alcohol use must be stopped. After surgery, it takes time to adjust to smaller portion sizes appropriate for the reduced stomach capacity. Eating soft, pureed foods and getting adequate protein is important while healing.

For Crawford, the surgery represented a new chance at life. In the first year alone he lost over 100 pounds. Though challenging at times, he embraced the dietary changes and regimented eating schedule required for the lavell crawford weight loss. Two years later in 2018, he had dropped nearly 250 pounds from his peak weight.

  1. Workout Routine

  1. Daily Cardio

According to Lavell's interviews, he aimed to get in cardiovascular exercise every single day to maximise calorie burn. He used the treadmill for brisk walking or light jogging to elevate his heart rate. Stationary bikes were also incorporated for low impact cardio.

  1. Strength Training 

Besides cardio, Lavell started lifting weights 3-4 times a week. Focusing on both upper and lower body exercises helped build lean muscle mass. As muscle tone improved, his metabolism became faster. Lavell did exercises like bicep curls, shoulder presses, squats, lunges, planks and used weight machines at the gym. 

  1. High Intensity Interval Training

HIIT workouts involve short bursts of maximum effort followed by brief rest periods. Lavell said in his interviews that he occasionally incorporated these high intensity intervals into his routine of lavell crawford weight loss journey. 

  1. No Long Breaks 

Lavell stayed consistent with his workout schedule, exercising most days. He knew long breaks from working out would sabotage his progress. Rest days were built in as needed around his exercise routine, but he never went more than 1-2 days without some form of physical activity. 

  1. Walking & Standing More

Lavell also made an effort to simply move more throughout the day. Taking short walks on breaks at work, using a standing desk, taking the stairs whenever possible, and parking further away all helped incrementally boost his daily calorie expenditure. Small activities add up.

  1. Monitoring Heart Rate & Calories

Using a heart rate monitor and fitness trackers helped Lavell stay in target zones during workouts and quantify his efforts. Aiming for specific calorie goals in each session kept him on track. 

   C) Diet Plan 

  1. Calorie Restriction

At the start of the lavell crawford weight loss journey, Lavell restricted his calorie intake to about 1500-1700 calories per day on average. This required being diligent about measuring portions and tracking calories. 

  1. Cutting Out Sugary Drinks 

Lavell eliminated sodas, juices, sweet teas and other sugar-filled beverages. These empty liquid calories can sabotage weight loss. He focused on hydrating with water, seltzer or unsweetened drinks instead which have zero calories. 

  1. Portion Control

Monitoring his portions of food was key, even when eating healthy options. Using smaller plates and weighing or measuring foods helped Lavell control overeating. Moderating carbohydrates to reasonable serving sizes was important for him to manage calories and blood sugar levels.

  1. Balanced Meals

Lavell emphasised eating a balanced plate at meals. He focused on getting ample protein from foods like chicken, fish, eggs and lean beef. Some healthy fats from nuts, seeds or olive oil satisfied his appetite. 

  1. No Late Night Eating 

Not eating several hours before bedtime was an important strategy Lavell implemented. Late night eating promotes weight gain and disrupts sleep. Stopping food intake by 8pm or earlier helped regulate his metabolism and blood sugar for weight loss.

  1. Weekly Cheat Meal

While being strict most days, Lavell allowed himself one cheat meal per week. For the cheat meal he chose a sensible splurge food to avoid derailing his diet entirely.


Although the surgery helped him lose a significant amount of weight, we can not ignore his hardwork and strict lifestyle. The lavell crawford weight loss journey Has nothing short of incredible and it can inspire a lot of people out there who are struggling with excessive body weight. 

Frequently Asked Question 

Q: How much weight did Lavell Crawford lose?

A: Lavell lost over 250 pounds, dropping from over 475 pounds down to around 220 pounds.

Q: How long did it take Lavell to lose the weight?

A: Lavell's weight loss journey took several years of steady, consistent lifestyle changes. It was a gradual transformation over time rather than a quick fix.

Q: Did Lavell have surgery or use diet pills?

A: Yes, Crawford underwent a gastric sleeve treatment, a two-stage surgical procedure that reduces stomach size and bypasses intestines, as part of his weight loss program.

Q: How has weight loss changed Lavell's career?

A: He says the weight loss has led to more opportunities and roles opening up for him as an actor. 

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