8 Search Engine Optimization Techniques

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When talking about SEO we inherently talk about search engine optimization. Something crucial to significantly increase traffic and awareness of a brand within digital environments.

Right now, thousands of people are searching for content like yours. You can help them find it by becoming an SEO expert and positioning your website or blog in the first search results.

According to experts, 80% of website traffic starts with a search query. That's why search engine optimization is so vital if you want to make a name for yourself on the Internet.

Appear on the front page

Every day, people use Google to perform more than 3.5 billion searches. In international markets, 78% of people use the Internet to research products and services before purchasing.

Once your website starts appearing on the first pages of Google search results, it will gain much more visibility. This is precisely the objective of search engine optimization. A better position equals more traffic, more conversions, and ultimately, higher revenue.

Being on page one of the search results has to be the goal of your entire SEO strategy. But the higher up, the better. Did you know that 75% of users don't even click on all the links on the first page?

8 factors that influence SEO

As you already know, there are more than 200 positioning factors that make our page appear in one position or another on the pages of Google results. These factors are constantly changing and are divided into two main types: internal factors (on-site) and external factors (off-site).

1.- Optimization from the on-site

On-site factors are those that you can control directly. For example, the quality of the content, the web architecture, and the HTML code are the most relevant factors of a website.

  • Content: To optimize for search engines, the content offered by your site must be original, have a minimum of 300 words, and have the presence of a keyword or main keyword throughout the text.

  • Structure: It is the composition of the URL that gives body to your site. When you work on search engine optimization, you should try to present Google spiders or bots with a platform that is easy for them to digest. They should be able to crawl your content in the background. They do this from HTML codes or HTML tags.

These HTML tags make search engine optimization possible. They include the title tag, the blue title that Google finds first, the โ€œmeta descriptionโ€ tag, and the header tags. Also known as



, etc. they show hierarchically the different titles that can be found in a piece of content. In this way, they allow the optimization of your content.

The key to search engine optimization is structured data. Well, these offer search engines more detailed information about the content of a website.

The most used protocol for structured data is Schema.org. On its website, you can find a very complete catalog of structured data, as well as how to implement it on your website.

2.- Optimization from the off-site

They are those that you cannot control directly. However, what is known is that they are what indicate to search engines the authority that a website has. That is, whether it is trustworthy or not. Among the factors of search engine optimization are user behavior, the quality of external links, and social signals.

3.- Las keywords

The selection of keywords is the basis of search engine optimization. Thanks to them you can know first-hand the reason why users clicked on our website.

What the terms entered in the search engine reflect is the user's search intention. These are searches that are defined by the user's objective when performing them. It is further divided into three:

  • Informative: They seek information. Example: SEO techniques, how to optimize my website for search engines, etc.

  • Transactional: The purpose of the search is to complete a transaction, which can be buying something or downloading an e-book.

  • Navigational: The search is aimed at finding a specific website.

It is also possible to detect keywords that work according to the volume of searches. These can be:

  • Head: They are very broad with a lot of search volume and a lot of competition. Example: Cats, Houses, SEO, etc.

  • Middle Tail: Searches that are more specific, but are still very general.

  • Long Tail: This is where the real opportunities are since they make up 70% of the total. They are very specific searches, with little competition and are mostly transactional.

The first thing you have to do when generating a list of keywords appropriate for your website is to know what you offer, who you offer it to, where you offer it and what differentiates you. These questions could serve as a guide:

After having answered these questions, you will surely come across a word that is constantly repeated. There you have your first keyword. But if what you want is to generate better results, you could investigate the behavior of your keyword. Tools like Google Trends can be a saving grace in this case.

4.- Generate links for search engine optimization

As you may have already heard, the authority of a website depends directly on the number of pages that link to it and whether they have a good reputation. That is, search engines always verify characteristics such as the authority of the pages that link to you, and the location within the content of those links.

That is why much of the page optimization work is directed towards generating links to improve the authority of a website. This strategy is known as link building. The most common practices for this are:

  • Through content: If you have valuable content, you will be linked. A variant, link baiting, involves generating specific content to generate attention and links.

  • Through social bookmarks: These are pages that are dedicated to trying to curate the contents of the web, whether through user votes, popularity on social networks, or other factors.

5.- Search engine optimization tools

Experts always say it: SEO is 90% about clearly establishing your objective and the audience you are targeting. Search engine optimization tools take care of the other 10%. If you want some data, these are the essential ones:

  • Google: It is the most basic tool for SEO. From familiarizing yourself with the algorithm changes, to obtaining keyword ideas or analyzing your competition.

  • Google Webmaster Tools: Essential to tell Google how it should interpret your website. This platform notifies you about errors on your website, penalties, and even links detected by Google.

  • Google Analytics: Knowing what your users do on your website and how they get to it is vital from every possible point of view.

  • Excel: A fundamental tool for data analysis, link building, competition, reporting... The most useful tool for SEO after Google.

  • Adwords Keyword Planner: In Adwords, go to โ€œTools and Analysisโ€ and then โ€œKeyword Plannerโ€. It is not comparable to previous Google tools, but it is beneficial for finding keyword suggestions.

  • รœbersuggest: รœbersuggest gives you suggestions around a term you start from, based on Google autocomplete. It's useful because it gives you very varied combinations that you might not have thought of.

  • Wordle: Useful to get an idea of โ€‹โ€‹the terms map of a website, both to have a visual approximation of its keyword density and to carry out a report or brainstorming.

6.- Analysis of the competition

There are millions of proposals like yours on the Internet. In SEO it is essential to be attentive to the behavior of the competition. The discovery of new competitors has to be a constant process.

You may discover them after knowing the market for a long time. When locating them, review the content they generate, the format, and how they work.

7.- Rankbrain

Specialists define it as the third most important element classified and indexed by search engines. It is responsible for understanding the context in which some searches are developed through artificial intelligence.

8.- Always think responsive

Although there are some dissertations in which the significance of the browsing experience from smartphones has not yet been defined, it is a fact that the highest rate of searches today are carried out from a mobile device.

It is not unreasonable to think about search engine optimization by creating content that improves the user experience. A good responsive design will guarantee that users can consume your content from any device.

we help you improve the organic positioning of your website with effective SEO strategies with off-page actions and publishing quality links in relevant media. Talk later?
