What is the Role of Sales Order Management System in E-Commerce.

A sales order management system is an automation tool that simplifies e-commerce management. From order confirmation to order processing, companies can easily manage their e-commerce business while on the go. 


The e-commerce sector has been a flourishing and transformative industry. It offers qualities that traditional brick-and-mortar shopping methods often can’t compete with, such as convenience. When talking about the e-commerce sector, there is no denying that customer satisfaction carries weight. Prompt order acceptance and timely delivery of goods are all part of providing exceptional customer service. Henceforth, businesses must invest in sales order management system to manage their e-commerce operations. Are you wondering how it can be useful? 


Read on to learn more about the role of sales order management software in e-commerce. 

What is a Sales Order Management System?

Sales order management software is a cutting-edge technology that empowers e-commerce businesses. The software automates and centralizes the order processing workflows, resulting in managing sales more efficiently. Key features, such as inventory updates, order confirmation, distance traveled reports, remote attendance monitoring, and real-time employee tracking, maximize workforce productivity. Furthermore, order-tracking software solutions carry weight as they contribute to a positive customer experience in e-commerce. 

The Role of Sales Order Management System in E-Commerce 

Sales order management apps are crucial in the e-commerce business landscape. But why? This is because it serves as a central hub for managing and processing sales orders with ease. It streamlines the end-to-end order fulfillment process. What is more? Let us find it in the section below. 

  • Promote Company’s Expansion

There is no denying that you can manage your e-commerce business from anywhere. How? With the help of a sales order management system! The software provides real-time order updates to managers, resulting in faster order processing. The quick deliverables will not only increase profits but will also foster long-term relationships with customers. 

  • Real-time Updates

Businesses often need help connecting with their mobile workforce. Have you ever found yourself in the middle of nowhere due to this? In that case, the order-tracking software solution becomes your friend. The software provides real-time battery and network status updates for executives. 


For instance, consider a situation where you deal in e-commerce services. A consumer complains to you that their product has not arrived yet. Despite your best efforts, you are unable to get in contact with the specific field agent who was given the assignment. A sales order management app will update you regarding their most recent battery and network status. Furthermore, the manager can monitor the real-time movement of field employees. 

  • Create a Custom Product Listing

It is easier to selectively display product lists to field agents when using sales order management software. It can be tailored based on product categories, teams, location, and—above all—individual preferences. It provides a comprehensive view for the sales team by generating a long product list within the software. 


The software enables businesses to monitor their product inventory in real-time. Therefore, businesses can optimize stock levels for efficient order fulfillment. It enables businesses to easily customize prices and discounts to meet the unique needs of their clients. 

  • Enhance Employee Productivity

Consider a delivery boy for online retailers traveling to the office to record attendance. Sounds daunting? Fret not! A sales order management system is a tool that enables mobile workers to mark their attendance remotely. The geo-verified attendance feature automatically marks attendance when employees reach their assigned client site. Simply put, the software enhances employee productivity by allowing them to concentrate on critical tasks. 

  • Easy Ad Hoc Task Allocation

Ad-hoc tasks sound like peeling a cactus without automation. Managers contact each executive manually to inquire about the status of their tasks and availability. As a result, manually handling ad hoc assignments could take a long time. However, with an order-tracking software solution, it is easier to manage ad-hoc tasks. The software provides real-time updates about their location and task status, enabling managers to allocate tasks swiftly. 

  • Get Transparent Employee Feedback 

Transparent feedback is essential to bridge the gap between employees and their problems. But how do you know which e-commerce delivery service is the best? With a sales order management system! The software assists businesses in data collection and processing to easily manage orders and monitor the field workforce. Its auto-generated reports enable managers to track the performance of individuals, teams, and the entire sales department. 

  • Make Informed, Data-Driven Decisions 

Sales order management software revolutionizes businesses with comprehensive data analysis. Managers can identify top-performing sales executives, discern key clients, and unveil frequently visited areas through the app. Henceforth, gaining profound insights into your team's dynamics, client relationships, and operational workflows maximizes efficiency and promotes the company's expansion. 

The Best Sales Order Management System For Your Business 

Choosing the best sales order management system for seamless business operations is critical. TrackoField’s order tracking management system has many features that you can customise to meet your business needs. It streamlines order processing and ensures accuracy by automating workflows. The software enhances customer relationships through comprehensive CRM capabilities and provides valuable insights with powerful reporting and analytics. 


Simply put, sales order management software streamlines your e-commerce business operations. Want to experience this innovative solution? Book a demo with TrackoField now!


To conclude, a sales order management system is a crucial tool for the e-commerce industry. It enables businesses to manage their e-commerce workflows from anywhere. The software provides real-time updates about the whereabouts of executives and enhances overall workforce productivity. TrackoField is the best order-tracking software system for overcoming current workflow challenges. So, what’s holding you back? Introduce your e-commerce business to this transformative solution now. 

Read More: Field Order Management Software – Automate Order Placing

What is the Role of Sales Order Management System in E-Commerce.



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