One-World Religion in Prophecy-endtime

Robert Muller understood that the ultimate goal of internationalists around the globe is a totally implemented world governing system—an organization designed to supersede any national government and demand that all nations surrender their sovereignty and submit to international laws and regulations. Mr. Muller also knew that for this dream to become a reality, all religions must somehow ignore their differences, unify and pledge their allegiances to the establishment of the global community. When this happens—and according to Bible prophecy it will in the very near future—those who choose not to conform will be considered heretics and possibly even pay for it with their lives.

Revelation 13 prophesies that just this kind of a world governing system will be established and ruled by the Antichrist. The same chapter foretells of the world religion and global economic system that will be used to enforce the edicts of the Antichrist and cause the entire world to pledge allegiance to his global authoritarian system.

We are, in many ways, already functioning under the tentacles of an ever-encroaching global governing system. Have you ever heard of the World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization or the United Nations? These entities and many more were designed for nothing other than to govern the entire planet.

Just as obvious is the establishment of the electronic monetary system that will be used to economically sanction individuals in order to force them to conform to the Antichrist’s global governance standards. The Bible prophesies that, in the end time, every person on earth will be given their own unique identification number, and without it they will not be able to buy or sell. It is no coincidence that over half of the world’s population has already been issued a national ID card, which must be used to function in their particular countries. This is nothing more than a precursor to the Mark of the Beast system prophesied in Revelation 13:16-18.

So what is the status of the one-world religion? What steps have already been taken, where are we now, and how will we recognize it in the future?

Over the last twelve months, we have seen major efforts by the Vatican to build a bridge between Catholics and multiple religious leaders around the world. And with great success! It is the continuation of a decades-old attempt to gather all religions into an all-inclusive global religious community, and it is in the last stages of development. The question is not will a one-world religion be formed, but how close are we to its culmination?

One-World Religion in Prophecy

Revelation 13 is devoted specifically to end time events. Verses 1-8 describe the one-world government, 11-14 focus on the one-world religion along with the False Prophet and 16-18 outline the Antichrist’s global economic system.

The goal of the Antichrist will be to lord over this global government and to force every human to pledge allegiance to him or to actually “worship” him.

“And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” – Revelation 13:8

In order for this to be fully realized, the Bible says the Antichrist will have two methods of enforcement: 1) He will form an alliance with the largest religious organization in the world—Christianity, and with the leader of the one-world religion—the False Prophet. The penalty for non-conformity with the one-world religion will be death, according to Revelation 13:15; “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” 2) He will implement a system of economic control upon the human race—more commonly known as the Mark of the Beast. Those who will not participate in this system will not be able to buy or sell, rendering themselves unable to function in society.

To economically sanction an individual will surely sting. However, to murder under the guise of Christianity those who will not comply sounds incomprehensible—that is until you consider that there are world leaders who have already proposed this exact course of action!


In his book Perestroika, Mikhail Gorbachev said there are three root causes for war—political conflicts, religious conflicts and economic conflicts. His offered solution was a one-world government, a global religious system and a global economy. Unbeknownst to him, he proposed exactly what the Bible prophesies is going to happen.

On page 231, Mr. Gorbachev put together an all-embracing system of international security. Item number 4ii of this list states, “We must extirpate all genocide, apartheid and religious exclusiveness.” To extirpate means to “kill off”. Therefore, Mr. Gorbachev is saying that we must kill off or abolish all religiously exclusive individuals.

Individuals are considered religiously exclusive if they believe their religion is the only religion through which people can be saved. For example, Jesus Christ said, “Except you believe that I am the Messiah, you will die in your sins.” (John 8:24) This would be considered religious exclusiveness.

Also, the scriptures tell us, “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

These types of beliefs would be considered extreme religious exclusiveness by the one-world religion crowd. The teachings of Jesus were definitely religiously exclusive. He said, “I am the door to the sheep fold and anybody that climbs up any other way, the same is a thief and a robber.” (John 10:1)

Mikhail Gorbachev says the entire world needs to be re-educated to believe all religions are equally valid. That process is already far advanced.

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One-World Religion in Prophecy-endtime


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