Full Stack Development encompasses the creation of both the front end (client side) and back-end (server side) components of web applications. Full Stack web developers are proficient in designing entire web applications and websites, handling frontend, backend, database management, and debugging tasks. Explore the Full Stack Developer Course in Kolkata at FITA Academy, which provides practical knowledge and placement assistance.
Technologies Related to Full Stack Development
Front End Technologies
HTML, short for Hyper Text Markup Language, designs the front end of web pages using markup language. It combines Hypertext, which links web pages, with markup language, defining text structure within tags to document web page content.
Cascading Style Sheets, commonly known as CSS, is a straightforward language designed to streamline the creation of visually appealing web pages. It allows you to apply styles to web pages and importantly, allows for this to be done separately from the HTML content of each page.
JavaScript is a widely used scripting language that adds interactivity to websites, enabling them to be more engaging for users. It enhances website functionality and supports the development of interactive games and web-based applications.
Front End Libraries and Frameworks
AngularJS is an open-source front-end framework based on JavaScript, primarily utilized for developing single-page web applications (SPAs). It continually evolves to offer enhanced methods for web application development, transforming static HTML into dynamic content. As an open-source project, it allows for free usage and modification by anyone, extending HTML attributes through Directives and facilitating data binding within HTML. Enroll in a Full Stack Developer Course in Delhi to gain a comprehensive understanding of front-end development within the Full Stack Developer framework.
React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library used for constructing user interfaces. It operates as an open-source, component-based front-end library focused exclusively on the view layer of applications and is maintained by Facebook.
Bootstrap is a collection of tools that are free and open-source and used to create responsive websites and web applications. It is the most widely used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive websites that prioritize mobile compatibility.
jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library that streamlines interactions between an HTML/CSS document, specifically the Document Object Model (DOM), and JavaScript.Simply put, jQuery makes it easier to navigate and modify HTML pages, manage browser actions, create animations, enable Ajax communication, and ensure compatibility across different web browsers.
It is regarded as the most dependable, mature, and robust extension language for CSS. It enhances the functionality of an existing CSS on a site, allowing for easy integration of variables, inheritance, and nesting capabilities.
Important Points
Collaborate with text editors such as Visual Studio, Atom, or Sublime by utilizing shortcuts and their features.
Implement responsive UI using grid systems.
Utilize Git and its commands (like init, add, commit) for version control and team collaboration.
Utilize additional tools such as npm and yarn package managers, Sass CSS pre-processor, and browser DevTools (e.g., Chrome DevTools).
Gain proficiency in HTTP, JSON, and GraphQL APIs for data retrieval, employing tools like Axios. Develop design skills to enhance layout and visual appeal.
Back End Technologies
Backend development involves server-side development of web applications or websites, emphasizing functionality. It handles database management using queries and APIs triggered by client-side commands. This type of website typically comprises three components: frontend, backend, and database. To learn more about the latest trends in software development, join the Full Stack Developer Course in Ahmedabad.
PHP is a server-side scripting language crafted for web development, where its code executes on the server, earning it the label of a server-side scripting language.
It is a versatile programming language extensively utilized today in competitive programming and as a backend language.
Java stands as one of the most popular and widely used programming languages and platforms due to its high scalability and the widespread availability of Java components.
Python is a programming language known for its efficiency in enabling rapid development and seamless system integration.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment designed for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. It's important to note that Node.js is neither a framework nor a programming language, despite common misconceptions. It is commonly employed for developing backend services, including APIs for web and mobile applications. Major corporations such as PayPal, Uber, Netflix, and Walmart utilize Node.js in their production environments.
Back End Frameworks
Some back-end frameworks include Express, Django, Rails, Laravel, Spring, and more.
Important Points
Organizing data efficiently.
Managing API request-response cycles for data storage and retrieval.
Ensuring data security is crucial.
A database is an organized collection of related data that allows for efficient adding, accessing, and removing of information. It structures data into tables, views, schemas, reports, and more for effective management and retrieval.
An Oracle database is a cohesive unit of stored data designed to store and retrieve information based on queries efficiently. It functions as a database server dedicated to managing information.
MongoDB, the leading NoSQL database, is an open-source, document-oriented database. The term 'NoSQL' signifies 'non-relational', indicating that MongoDB diverges from the traditional table-based structure of relational databases and offers a distinct approach to storing and accessing data.
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a universal language used to build, oversee, and fetch data from relational databases.
Full-stack Development encompasses a range of technologies, from frontend frameworks to backend languages, supported by essential tools for seamless application development and deployment. Check out the Full Stack Developer Course in Jaipur to enhance your skills in Full Stack.

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