Frequently Overlooked Things an Inspector Is Likely to Find and What They Mean

An excellent home inspection will uncover problems that are either unsafe or expensive to repair. Inspectors will also find things that are merely inconvenient or minor annoyances. Here is a guide to the items you should expect to encounter during quality home inspections in Philadelphia, PA.

Why are home inspectors essential?

Home inspectors are professionals with specialized training tasked with evaluating a home's condition, particularly those that affect the property's overall value. They look for signs of problems, dangers, and anything that may mean something terrible could happen. Home inspections can help you avoid major issues and save money by allowing you to make necessary repairs before they become a problem.

High humidity

  • Mold: Mold is a fungus that can grow on surfaces in the home and cause health problems. If you live in an area with high humidity, mold might be an issue for your family.

  • Structural damage: High humidity can damage older buildings by causing the wood to swell and expand, weakening it. The same thing happens to metal siding as well. Suppose it has yet to be adequately sealed or maintained over time. In that case, there's a chance that moisture from outside could get inside through cracks in the material itself—which can lead directly back into your basement or attic space.

Poor Plumbing

The inspectors can only tell if the plumbing is working correctly if they look at it.

The inspector will look for the following:

  • Leaks in pipe fittings or joints. A leaky faucet is usually an easy repair. Still, if there are multiple leaks throughout the house, you may need a plumber to fix them all at once.

  • Defective valves on faucets and toilets.

Leaks in the Roof

Leaks in the roof are a common occurrence. Many things, including poor installation and improper maintenance, can cause them. A leaky roof may also cause damage to your home's interior or even lead to mold growth.

To identify leaks in your home's roof, check for visible signs of water damage around windows or doors. 

Dry Rot in the Walls

Dry rot is a structural problem in walls, floors, and roofs. It is caused by condensation from moisture in the air, usually caused by leaks or gaps around pipes or ducts. This condensation can also occur indoors if windows are open, allowing excessive humidity levels in your home.

As moisture accumulates on these surfaces, it creates an environment where fungi thrive and spread throughout the building's structure. This causes deterioration over time—eventually leading to cracks that further weaken its integrity, resulting in collapse when not repaired quickly enough.

Missing or Defective Caulking

Caulking seizes gaps between walls, roofs, foundations, and more. If you are not caulking your entryways or windows, you are likely allowing water to leak into your home from the outside. 

Missing or Damaged Trim and Molding

Trim and molding are often overlooked but essential for aesthetic appeal. Suppose the trim and molding are missing or damaged. In that case, it can hide problems with the structure's foundation, framing, or other components that would otherwise be visible from a distance.

Trim and molding can also be damaged by water leaks (especially during wet weather), insects and animals, and improper cleaning methods.

Water Damage to Walls and Floors

Water damage can lead to mold, which is hazardous. Mold spores are microscopic and can be found in the air of a house, even if you do not smell them. They are also highly toxic and linked to asthma attacks, cancer, and other serious health problems.

Water damage can also cause structural damage to your home's foundation or walls and severe water leaks that could lead to mold growth throughout your property. The longer these issues go untreated, the worse they will get over time.

Do not let these issues lead to disaster.


As you can see, these issues are easily overlooked but do not have to lead to disaster. The bottom line is that a complete home inspection is often much more than just a checklist to be marked off. It is an opportunity for the inspector to educate you on some of the most common defects and maintenance issues and offer advice on how a professional should handle them.

Frequently Overlooked Things an Inspector Is Likely to Find and What They Mean


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