There are many obstacles, hardships, and trials in life that can drive us to the verge of giving up. There are times in the human experience when there is extreme suffering, whether it is from bodily discomfort, mental turmoil, or existential crises. However, there are those who show incredible bravery, resiliency, and tenacity in the face of difficulty. In this piece, we tackle the idea of enduring the intolerable, looking at how people muster the strength to face suffering and misfortune head-on and come out on top in spite of all the odds.
What Courage Is
All cultures and societies value courage, which is seen as the epitome of bravery and heroism. However, what precisely is courage? Courage is fundamentally the capacity to take action in the face of suffering, fear, or uncertainty. It is the readiness to face difficulty, suffering, or risk in the name of a higher goal or ideal. Fearlessness is not the same as courage; courage is the ability to overcome fear and the determination to keep going in the face of insurmountable obstacles.
The Character of Pain
Physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual pain are only few of the numerous types of pain. It is a universal constant that affects everyone at some point in their lives and is an unavoidable aspect of the human experience. Emotional pain can be just as terrible as physical pain, often leaving permanent psychological scars. Physical pain can be agonizing, incapacitating, and unrelenting. However, suffering may also change us, making us stronger, more resilient people who can face life's obstacles with bravery and grace.
Bravery Despite Physical Pain
Since physical pain is experienced directly by the body, it is arguably the most palpable type of suffering. Physical pain may be debilitating and all-consuming, whether it takes the form of a searing anguish from an injury, a persistent ache from a chronic illness, or a sharp sting from a wound. However, people may muster incredible bravery even when they are experiencing such agony.
Think of the soldier who braves enemy fire to save a fellow soldier, the athlete who overcomes excruciating agony to win, or the patient who undergoes torturous medical treatments to combat a sickness. These people exhibit extraordinary fortitude and tenacity; instead of allowing their suffering to define them, they draw strength from their capacity to persevere.
Emotional Pain: Courageousness
In some cases, emotional suffering can be even more incapacitating than physical agony. Emotional anguish pierces deeply into the soul, leaving scars that could never fully heal. These scars can be from the sadness of depression, the heartbreak of a failed relationship, or the grief of losing a loved one. Yet bravery can be discovered even in the deepest pits of despair.
Think of the abuse victim who musters the courage to confront their abuser, the grieving parent who uses their loss to advocate for others, or the person battling a mental condition who never gives up. These people exhibit extraordinary bravery when faced with excruciating emotional suffering; instead of allowing their misery to define them, they choose to use it as a driving force for personal development and recovery.
Existential Pain: Courageousness
Since it affects the very essence of who we are, existential pain is arguably the most severe type of suffering. It is the suffering that comes from trying to answer life's big questions, such as what it means to be alive, what reality is like, and how inevitable death is. Existential dread, anxiety, or despair are examples of existential anguish. But even in the midst of such existential suffering, bravery can be discovered.
Think of the artist who uses their existential anxiety to create art, the philosopher who faces life's absurdities with stoic acceptance, or the spiritual seeker who finds meaning and comfort in the face of life's mysteries. In the midst of existential suffering, these people exhibit amazing bravery by embracing life's uncertainties rather than giving in to hopelessness.
Discovering Purpose in Adversity
According to psychotherapist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, "In some ways, suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning." Perhaps the greatest act of courage is to find purpose in suffering because it enables us to rise above our suffering and use it to create something more. Finding meaning in suffering provides us the fortitude to endure the intolerable and come out stronger on the other side, whether it's by finding purpose in adversity, finding strength in vulnerability, or creating relationships in solitude.
In summary
It takes bravery to bear the unbearable—courage to face suffering, courage to bear sorrow, and courage to discover purpose in adversity. In the face of hardship, people can muster incredible bravery, regardless of the agony they are experiencing—physical, mental, or existential. We can use bravery to face life's obstacles head-on and triumph over all odds if we can accept our anguish, embrace our vulnerability, and find meaning in suffering.

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